Then, pick a date and location (a local park is a great backdrop). Families can pay a reduced rate ($20 to $30) and pick a time slot. Over the course of the day, tons of families can get their photos, which means tons of donations for your fundraiser. Participants (students) commit to reading in order to raise funds for their school. Friends and family of the participating students can donate in order to support their reading progress.
Donors pledge to donate a certain amount of money per the distance run by participants. All you need for this outdoor school fundraising idea is space and school spirit! Use your school track or work with local officials to block out a track in your town or nearby nature trail. This is a great way to encourage students, family members, and community members to get outside and get their blood pumping while raising money for a great cause. The Box Tops 4 Education program has proven to be a great way for schools to raise money.
Reach out to local companies to see if they’ll donate a small prize, like a gift card or headphones. So, you’ll need some time to get the OK from businesses and coordinate your students and volunteers. Have non profit fundraising ideas , club leaders, parents, and community members sign up for times to drive students around and chaperone. Another way you can put a fresh spin on this idea is to turn it into a drive-in movie night fundraiser. It’s nostalgic for parents and a new way for the kids to watch their favorite flicks.
If you want to give your school a funding boost to be able to provide more resources and better education for students, a fundraiser is an effective way to get everyone involved. Middle school is the perfect opportunity to get students more involved in fundraising. From the ages of 11 to 14, middle schoolers gain a stronger sense of independence. So they’re likely to engage more with the social good their fundraisers can achieve. Partner with student designers or a local boutique to host a fashion show for students of all ages to attend for a small fee.
Have the students bring in spare change over the course of the week or on a particular day. At the end of your desired collection time, have them make as many little bunnies out of the change that they can. Choose shorter games like Battleship or checkers that are perfect for head-to-head matches. Some schools host Rock, Paper, Scissors tournaments which require zero equipment and can be widely fun to watch. Any type of performance can bring in some ticket sales, so consider putting together the best talent in the student body and putting on a show. Talent shows can feature all kinds of acts, from magicians to clowns to instrumental acts.
Invite parents to participate and set up concession stands and a general donation booth. In addition to your generalized fundraising efforts, prospect research shows you where to focus your marketing tactics for maximum impact. You never know—someone may be willing to auction off their vacation house for a weekend getaway, or a local business owner may be able to offer irresistible goods or services. In conclusion, what fundraising company will you choose to work with? Our clients have been happy with our service and return year after year. Find a professional photographer (or talented amateur) willing to volunteer their time, then arrange a day when families can gather and have their photos taken for a donation.